I'll update this every once in a blue moon, but here are the basics.
I'm an involuntary professional student. At 27 years of age currently, I have been going to school since 3 or 4 if preschool counts, which I doubt so let's say 5. Fortunately I have managed to do a couple of things. While in undergrad I somehow scored a internship with the U.S. Senate, and then after that learned some Arabic and spent a semester studying abroad in the Middle East. Undergrad was fun.
Then this thing called law school happened. That's the subject of my first book: The Jim Report: My Life in Law School. And that book is probably what has led you to this website.
So what am I up to now? Well, I'm still pursuing my dream of getting a job with the Foreign Service, and in the meantime I am busy working on a Master's in Public Administration degree. I truly, truly hope that it is the end of my education.
I also would like to write a book that isn't about me, at least not so blatantly. That's why I've started this blog.